And then this afternoon, the folk from the Modern Language Association were in touch. I've won a prize! Well sort of: an honorable mention. For "an outstanding book published in English or Spanish in the field of Latin American and Spanish literatures and cultures."
Here's what they say:
A study that moves elegantly and daringly from political theory to cultural analysis, Posthegemony: Political Theory and Latin America puts Latin America on the map as a complex region in which hegemony, habit, and affect are constantly being contested and renegotiated in response to the vitality of the multitude. Jon Beasley-Murray does this through a series of engaging discussions of contemporary theorists who dialogue directly with Latin American test cases highlighting the relation between Peronist populism, hegemony theory, and the limits of civil society. With clarity, intellectual rigor, and conceptual sophistication, Beasley-Murray seeks to challenge the dominant critical paradigms of the cultural-studies-oriented humanities and social sciences.I think I may be drinking that Prosecco tonight.
Prizes! Wonderful!
Congrats! On both the wine and the prize. I'm looking forward to having time to read your Interactivity talk soon. Cheers!
Congrats on the Honorable Mention. Quite liked the Open Access talk/critique. Have done a couple of pieces myself lately on higher ed. See http://pantherfile.uwm.edu/gjay/www
Nice work.
Saw Gareth recently. We're going to rendezvous in Berkely next April.
Greg Jay
Greg, good to hear from you, and thanks fort the congratulations. I'll be in Seattle for the MLA; will you?
I look forward to looking at your higher ed pieces. I likewise saw Gareth not too long ago, and will be back in Indiana in the Spring.
All the best for the holiday season.
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