Thursday, January 31, 2008


The trailer for El señor Presidente, a film released late last year in Venezuela, based on the novel by Miguel Angel Asturias...

Asturias's novel was set at the turn of the twentieth century, and loosely based on the regime of the Guatemalan dictator, Manuel Estrada Cabrera.

But this film is made by RCTV, the same television channel whose license was not renewed by Hugo Chávez, amid much international controversy. (Here are two takes on the issue: from The Washington Post and from I wonder if they have anything in mind as they release this adaptation of the classic novel by the Guatemalan Nobel laureate?

See also Anna Marie de la Fuente's "Network Tries Topical Title", from Variety.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


The Saturday photo, part IV: dawn on New Year's Day, seen from the Rambla looking out over the Rio de la Plata, Uruguay.

A Happy New Year to all and sundry. I'm back home from travels. More substantive posting will resume shortly.