A couple of notes...
First, the English title Milk of Sorrow is not even close to the Spanish original. I would have translated it as "The Nervous Tit." I haven't seen the film myself yet, but I would hope that the resonance with "nervous tic" might prove appropriate. Of course, some could think that the film was a psychological portrait of a common garden bird.
Second, this here blog has tried to provide a guide to Peruvian cinema. I'd like to think that this collection of reviews is the most comprehensive to be found online in English. It even features an essay on the topic, complete with a fairly detailed account of Llosa's previous movie, Madeinusa.
Finally, for offline resources on Peruvian film, you'll have to wait for Jeffery Middents's forthcoming book. Middents himself is, naturally enough, rather cock-a-hoop at Llosa's recent success.
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